Our Sponsors

Thank you to our generous sponsors for supporting the SLDS In Full Bloom Spring Picnic!

Become a Spring Picnic Event Sponsor!

Event Sponsorships for businesses are available in the denominations below. Sponsors will be recognized as described at the event. You can also sponsor the event with an in-kind donation for our silent auction. Check out the opportunities below and fill out the form to make your donation!

Blossom Benefactor: $1,000
Your donation will fund the entertainment for the Spring Picnic as well as cover the cost of the main stage and registration tent. Live children’s entertainer Tom’s Fun Band will be performing for the fourth year. As the Blossom Benefactor, your business will receive prominent name and logo placement on our website, throughout the event, and at the main stage where the band performs.
Petal Patron: $750
Your donation will pay for the Children's Activities section of the event, which features games and crafts for kids of all ages. This includes giveaways for all children attending the Spring Picnic as well as pre-show entertainment. As the Petal Patron, your business name and logo will be featured at the Children’s Activities tent and on our website.
Brilliant Butterfly Sponsor: $500
Your donation will fund the drinks served at the event, a critical need during any outdoor events in our hot and balmy city. Your business name and logo will be included at the beverage station and on our website.
Garden Guardian: $350
Your donation will pay for the creation of a custom photo booth for the event, which event attendees will be encouraged to use and post photos with. Prominent name and logo signage will be placed at photo booth entrance.

*Please email a PNG file of your business logo to SLDSSpringPicnic@gmail.com.

To view the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Tax Exempt Letter click here.

Note: You will be automatically redirected to the St. Luke’s UMC website to complete your payment.


For In-Kind Donations Please Fill Out The Form Below.

*Please email a PNG file of your business logo to SLDSSpringPicnic@gmail.com.


In-Kind Donors